Tuesday, June 24, 2008

This Sucks

Well, im finally gone. Yep, i, Mrosko, have finally moved up to Ohio. Im gonna try to get some footage wen i meet some people up here but i guess the only updates that are gonna get put up are gonna be from matt or mike. maybe colton. Dibble might come up from VA in august, maaaaaybe. So if he comes we might get a little footage. so, keep hope and maybe youll see something from us soon. but as for the courts, i have no idea wats gonna happen. We will porobably keep the name because thats how we started. So, just keep alive and alert people. This isnt over yet

Thursday, June 12, 2008


first day of summer with m&m

michael snell and matt lupo. the fall at the end looks like it was fake but it wasnt just to let you know. he smacks his heel on the tail of the board when it was primo and fucked his ankle up.

Monday, June 9, 2008

what the hell is the world coming to?

i cant believe some ass hole company actually enjoys the fact they are destroying something that so many skaters grow to enjoy and think its the right thing to do. go to this website, email them with as much hate mail and shit as you can.


Monday, June 2, 2008


If anyone has any ideas on what we should do about the Tennis Court issue, please leave a comment on this bulletin leaving your name so i know who to talk to. i know leaving comments on a blog is stupid, but id like the input from everyone. thanks

Sunday, June 1, 2008


On May,30 2008, the Tennis Court Crew was officialy killed. The Meadowlake Farms housing association finally had enough of us having a good time,and also got sick of the many complaints from home owners in the area, so they official put a ban on skating in the tennis courts. The president of the homeowners association made everything in the courts be removed, and said we cant bring it there anymore. So where are we gonna go? I say, fuck them, lets bring as much shit over there as possible one day and skate the whole day with as many people as possible. They cant take away the only thing Yorktown has to skate. The tennis courts is ours, and if they think they can take it from us, theyre dead fucking wrong. Keep checking for posts on what were gonna do about this.