Sunday, November 9, 2008

Virginia Suck Video

So, i went down to Virginia for a few days to surprise taylor, and it rained almost the whole trip, which blows because we wanted to go to dixie, dealership and some other places, but hey, fuck us, haha, we had fun though, we filmed a little at whats left of the tennis courts, i sucked there, obviously, but Taylor got a good line, we wernt to skate the double set near the church and a van was parked infront of it, what the hell haha, i started skating the benches in Tabb high but as soon as i started warming up the janitor walks in, i did a 50 50 and that was it, oh well, it was fun, we made cookies though, played with taylors dog and made due with what we had, this is the product of what we DID film, hope you enjoy, it really is the most stupidest thing, but funny, and good. Watch

Virgina Poop from Nick Mrosko on Vimeo.

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